Friday, September 25, 2009

9/25 update

Wanted to touch base with y'all to let you know of a little news but mostly to request your prayers for our family's health. Luke had a little bit of a cold a couple of days but seems to have mostly gotten over that. Unfortunately Pamela has caught it big-time and Carissa is getting it a little and that is what concerns us.

We did hear back that Carissa needs to have her thyroid evaluated because some of the tests the genetics group ran says it is low so we are waiting to hear from the endocrinologist to set up an appointment. We did find out this week that when you plot her growth on the timeline of her due date instead of her actually birth date that she is on the 25th percentile curve and very proportional. It certainly makes sense to us to look at her growth that way. Maybe we should ask her a couple of questions to let y'all see her responsiveness. For comparison look at the picture of the 2 day old Carissa on the front page of the blog at It is amazing to think of that 2 day old on the ventilator with lungs that won't fill and without the ability to maintain most of her blood components has been healed and has grown to the baby she is now. She has grown 7 inches and over 250% weight-wise when you count the weight she was after she lost most of the fluid from the hydrops. Anyway...back to the interview.

Carissa, can you show them what a 5 month old baby who seems to be starting to teethe some would look like?

That's good. That's an impressive drool trail to sell your point.
Now show them a trick. Can you roll your tongue up in a ball for them?

Show them that wrinkled-nose smile that melts Daddy's heart when he gets home from work.

You wouldn't use that to get your way in the future would you?

You're right and I didn't think so...and I am sorry if that insulted your integrity.

  • Please thank God for the miraculous healing He has provided for Carissa.
  • Please pray that Carissa will be able to avoid or get through this illness with little effect.
  • Please pray that Pamela will be able to get the rest she needs and get over the cold.
  • Please pray that Carissa's thyroid will function properly and lead to normal physical and mental development.
  • Please pray that our God, the Great Physician, keeps getting the glory for Carissa's healing.

Thank y'all for your continued prayers. We are so appreciative of your faithfulness to pray for Carissa and for celebrating her amazing progress with us.

Yours and His,


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

9/8 update

Let's get right to the point. Carissa had 2 appointments today, one with the pulmonologist and one with the hematologist. You may remember way back early on in these updates that it is a really good thing from the patient's perspective when they bore a doctor and I think Carissa is starting to bore some doctors. For the first time ever Carissa's blood count numbers are all in the normal range! I know many of y'all have been praying for this day alongside us for months and I hope you all feel at least a fraction of the joy that we do.

Dr. Mahoney, Carissa's hematologist who has been incredible as her primary physician after she was discharged from the hospital, is even saying that he cannot really be her primary physician now because she appears to not have any blood issues. There are some tests that Dr. Mahoney and the geneticist sent off today that will take a while to come back, but those seem to mostly be "let's make sure she doesn't have this" instead of really searching for something. We have a consultation on 9/22 to find out if the muscle tone really is something to be concerned about and worked on or not. I already have Carissa doing P90X and some water aerobics so I think she'll be good by then.

News like this sure helps put piddling problems into perspective. It also helps us be so thankful for normal...just plain ole normal. It brings into perspective what an incredible promise God made when He said through Paul in 2 Timothy that through His Word we would be adequate, equipped for every good work. How amazing is it that God's Word can make us adequate to perform most...make that every...good work. I never knew normal and adequate could be such incredible adjectives to strive for.
  • Please thank God for His incredible healing of Carissa that draws closer to completion every day.
  • Please continue to pray for Carissa's development and for her protection from the fall and winter illnesses that could still prove very challenging for her.
  • Please thank God that He hears our prayers (just re-read some of the prayer requests portions of old updates to see how directly He answers specific prayers)
  • Please pray that Carissa's story will be used to encourage believers, to help people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and to most of all bring glory to God, and please help make that happen by giving Him credit when you have opportunities to tell Carissa's story.

Thank y'all so much for your prayers as well as for letting us know you're praying and spreading Carissa's story. I don't know how we will ever be able to express our appreciation enough.

Yours and His,


PS I'll try to send soon a couple of photos of the almost normal Carissa. I'm not sure if she is absolutely declared normal that many of you will believe that she is really my daughter but I'll deliver the message regardless.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

9/1 update

Who couldn't use a helper like this? Luke is very aware of the importance of a good pacifier and is great at giving Carissa hers...when he isn't stealing it for himself.

This is Carissa Monday night having a little floor time after an evening nap. I would be happy too if I had just had an evening nap.

We had a doctor's appointment Monday with the Genetics department. Nothing of huge consequence was found out but we did learn that Carissa is behind in muscle tone development and is basically below all the trend lines (even the 5% one) on size. The doctor said that she likely is also behind in other areas including her immune system and that we should proceed with a lot of caution for a while about taking her into public and exposing her to other people, especially other children. That was a little...ok, a lot...disappointing since we had taken her to church for the first time Sunday and had planned on taking her to Patillo this weekend for the family reunion and Uncle Junior and Aunt Fran's 50th Anniversary Celebration. Sometimes God gives us these reminders that we are on His schedule and not the reverse. We were just talking Sunday during Bible study about Isaiah 55: 8 that says:"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways," declares the LORD.We talked about how that is pretty cool to quote but not quite as cool when God has to remind us that even though we are created in His image that we are not Him and don't always know best and darn sure don't always do best. How cool is it that when we come face to face with the fact that our righteousness is as filthy rags and all our accomplishments are but dung (Paul's words, not mine) that we can rest on the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus that brings us back into a relationship with the Almighty God if we just accept it? Real cool!
We have another hematologist appointment on Thursday and then a follow up visit with the pulmonologist on Tuesday. We are praying for a great visit at the hematologist on Thursday even though they will be taking more blood than usual because they will be sending it off for tests at Stanford Medical (hopefully more reliable than Stanford Financial!), and then an uneventful pulmonologist appointment next Tuesday, and then perhaps a break for a couple of weeks from doctor visits. Please join us in that prayer.

  • Please thank God for His amazing healing of Carissa, for the amazing progress He has brought her through, and for the reminder this week that our hope is in Him, not just time or doctor's abilities.

  • Please pray that Carissa will continue to grow and mature and that her muscle tone, immune system, and other development will continue to progress and to even start catching up with her age.

  • Please pray that Carissa will continue to produce and manage all the different blood componenets and that that will be revealed in the cbc on Thursday.

  • Please pray that God will continue to get the glory as Carissa's miraculous story is told, and please take advantage of opportunities to do that. We hope every time her story is told that God's grace and mercy and healing power are presented as the framework of her odds-defying progress.

Thank you for praying and please take the challenge of this update as a reminder to pray daily for Carissa,
